Rabu, 08 Januari 2014

Pola Konsumsi tehadap Kejadian Obesitas Sentral pada Pegawai Pemerintah di Kantor Bupati Kabupaten Jeneponto

Masalah   overweight   dan   obesitas   meningkat   dengan   cepat   di   berbagai  belahan   dunia Menuju  proporsi  epidemik. Di   Negara    maju,    obesitas   telah   menjadi    epidemik     dengan memberikan   kontribusi   sebesar 35%   terhadap   angka   kesakitan   dan   berkontribusi   15-20% terhadap      kematian.    Obesitas    tidak   menyebabkan  kematian    secara    langsung,    t etapi menyebabkan masalah kesehatan yang serius yang dapat memacu kelainan kardiovaskuler, ginjal, metabolik, protrombik dan respon inflamasi (Grundy et al, 2004).
       Prevalensi  obesitas sentral   pada  penduduk   Eropa   dan  Asia   mengalami   peningkatan. Prevalensi obesitas    sentral   pada   laki-laki   AS   meningkat    dari  37%  (periode   1999-2000) menjadi 42.2% (periode 2003-2004), sedangkan prevalensi obesitas sentral pada perempuan AS meningkat dari 55.3% menjadi 61.3% pada periode yang sama (Li et al, 2007).
Obesitas   cenderung   meningkat   pada   populasi   dewasa.   Sekitar   80-90%   kasus   obesitas
diperkirakan   ditemukan   pada rentang   usia   dewasa.   Bila   dilihat  menurut    jenis  pekerjaan, Pegawai      Negeri   Sipil   (PNS)    menempati     urutan   pertama    karakterisitik    penderita   obesitas dengan prevalensi tertinggi sebesar 27,3%, ABRI 26,4% dan wiraswasta sebesar 26,5%.

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Selasa, 07 Januari 2014

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Community and International Nutrition

In most industrialized countries the number of elderly people is increasing due to an improvement in health care and a reduction in birth rates during the past decades (WHO 1989). Population aging is not only occurring in industrialized countries, but also in developing countries. It is estimated that in the Southeast Asian region the proportion of individuals older than 60 y will increase from 5% in 1950 to 11.5% in 2050,`equivalent to a four-fold increase in absolute numbers (Gopalan 1992). The aging process is associated with physiological, psychological and socioeconomic changes leading to nutritional excess,
such as obesity, and deficit, such as micronutrient deficiency, and their related health outcomes, such as coronary atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, certain cancers and anemia. These changes and outcomes are evidenced from various studies of elderly people living in industrialized countries (de
Groot et al. 1991, Hartz et al. 1992, Kromhout et al. 1990, Wahlqvist et al. 1995a and b). So far, a limited number of studies have been undertaken to observe the nutritional status of the elderly living in developing countries.
The Western Pacific study (Andrews et al. 1986) described sociocultural factors, but not nutritional factors, of free-living, elderly people living in Fiji, the Republic of Korea, Malaysia and the Philippines. Recently, Wahlqvist et al. (1995a) reported the food habits, lifestyles and health status
among the aged in developed and developing countries. Elderly people living in developing countries have, up to a certain degree, an inadequate intake of micronutrients, such as vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin and vitamin C (Wahlqvist et al. 1995b). However, for certain micronutrients, intakes are not reflected in plasma or serum levels. In free-living, middleto upper-class, US elderly, 24% of the men and 39% of the
women had vitamin B-12 intakes below three-fourth of the recommended dietary allowance (RDA)5; most of these people were able to maintain normal levels of serum vitamin B-12 despite the low intakes (Ahmed 1992). Little information is available about nutritional status of the elderly in Indonesia, but it is expected that inadequate food intake is common (Horwath 1989). This was confirmed by a recent study showing
a high prevalence of low body mass index (BMI) (Rabe et al. 1996) among elderly from Jakarta. A low food intake

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